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Monday, April 15, 2013

the american obamazombie

  Ok I found this video on the internet and i got to thinking its totally right. we live in a nation with a bunch of people that worship someone presiding over their country that has no reason to even be in the position of power hes in, but people love him. Lets take a look, Obama accepted the noble peace prize in Oslo on December 10, 2009. In a 36-minute speech, he discussed the tensions between war and peace and the idea of a "just war" (according to wiki pedia), before taking office as president on jan. 20th 2009. And for what? I was under the impression that you had to achieve something to recieve tne nobel piece prize but it was just givin away to this guy for nothing. But the most upsetting thing i found about that was we applauded as if he earned it with no questions asked.
  It just seems that whatever this guy does america thinks hes a god, and we praise him, mabey we let the media influence us to much, well if obama was a trend he's definitely out of style as of his last term. according to the washington monthly his number 1 accomplishment so far as president is he Passed Health Care Reform.  (i posted links at the bottem), but obama care is becoming a nightmare on all fronts-
theres just one example.
now why do we continue to support obama like mindless pawns we need to wake up and see the real tragedy taking place in amarica and think for ourselves research, come to our own conclusion on issues then make a rational desiesion and base our actions on them. there is also 50 so called acomplishments listed i just examined the first if anyone wants to debate these or what not comment, i will list links to my sources.
remember knowledge is power its time for america to impower its self to maintain its independance.

oh and i thought id also post the video inspired me to write this blog

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