Damn its been a minute science I've done shit on this blog, I'm currently working on my hosting so I can get my WordPress site up.
But for the few people that do drop by my blog because of boardom or the accidental mouse click that redirected you here instead of eBay than at if ya wantssomething to do visit hack forums its a great site and I have been spendingsome time on its fforum, which is not just about hacks and such. There's something for everyone including freebies on software and prizes, so check it out if ya can >>>>>>click me to go to hack forums<<<<<<<
Tha HB is and I'll update soon linuxgeek0528
this is just somthing i started to discuss and vent about america and some of the issues there having, and my take on those issues
clicksor search
Friday, May 3, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
cispa IS a REAL bad THING
weve got to do somthing NOW.
this WILL end ANY and ALL internet privacy if this bill is not stopped.
In the wake of this week's passage of the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) by the U.S. House of Representatives, representatives from the hacktivist group Anonymous – if they truly have "representatives" per se – are calling for an "Internet Blackout Day" on Monday in protest.
Specifically, Anonymous is calling upon website owners to take down their normal pages and replace them with a page that explains the reasons for the change (and protest), and they're also asking that they help spread the word to their fellow site owners and encourage them to do the same.
The call to action is similar to the January 18, 2012 blackout day that had more than 7,000 websites – including a number of the Web's more noteworthy sites, like Wikipedia, Reddit, Google, and Mozilla -- going dark to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). While the bill was ultimately shelved, it does share commonalities with CISPA in the sense that both attempted to use heavy-handed techniques to deal with Internet-themed issues.
In SOPA's case, the bill looked to thwart online piracy by imposing the equivalent of Cyber "death penalties" against sites shown to be hosting copyright-infringing content. Internet services providers would be asked to prevent its members from accessing said sites – creating what amounts to "The Great Firewall of America," as described by a New York Times opinion piece at the time.
CISPA, on the other hand, would allow Internet Service Providers and other Web-themed companies to share information about their users with the government and one another under the guise of "cyber-security" – with increased protection against any privacy lawsuits that their users might bring as a result.
"Whenever these prerequisites are met, CISPA is written broadly enough to permit your communications service providers to share your emails and text messages with the government, or your cloud storage company could share your stored files," reads a FAQ by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a chief opponent of the legislation.
Although the bill passed the house by a not-so-significant degree – 288 votes in support versus 127 opposing – Mediaite's Glenn Davis notes that there are still some fairly significant hurdles before CISPA springs alive. Not only does the bill have to make its way through the Senate, it also has to survive a previously threatened veto by the White House.
In other words, don't take a lack of fervor from webmasters tomorrow as a sign that the Internet's heavyweights have given up. Or, as Davis puts it, "don't freak out about CISPA (yet)."
"The possibly still exists that a future version of CISPA, with enough privacy protections added to gain Senate and presidential support – but still not enough to satisfy civil liberties advocates – will pass (after all, Obama's reputation among civil liberties advocates is already shot anyway). But that will most likely be another issue for another year – based on everything we've seen for a year now, CISPA as it's currently written doesn't stand a chance," he writes.
-pcmag.com (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2417983,00.asp)
Thursday, April 18, 2013
conspiricy _zone: oklahoma morning quake maddness
conspiricy _zone: oklahoma morning quake maddness: at 2:00 this morning oklahoma city was hit bye like 5 earth quakes. it even rattled the house a little now i dont know if you know but ear...
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
oklahoma morning quake maddness
at 2:00 this morning oklahoma city was hit bye like 5 earth quakes. it even rattled the house a little now i dont know if you know but earth quakes are kinda rare in central oklahoma, although we have been having the lately, they just rated so low on the rictor scale they weren't considered anything but tremers.
That wasnt the case this morning though, as my wife frantacly tried to wake me up from my deep sleep, that was the end result from being over excerted the night beforehand from late night blogging (yes i slept right through all of it). Anyways back to the point, the largest of these earthquakes was a 4.3 according to the news. And Oklahoma could be in trouble if this happens again especially at a larger magnitude, because these earthquakes were so low in depth and right along the fault line,
I've also noticed that theres been alot more focus on earthquake safety from what i heare you get under somthing sturdy and hope that whatever falls it doesnt fall on you, although i know along the cost peaple dont even look at a 4.3 as a earth quake so it wouldn't be so bad except that fault line.
dont for get to like me on google plus and twitter and definately go checkout my youtube channel.
thanks chris
Monday, April 15, 2013
the american obamazombie
Ok I found this video on the internet and i got to thinking its totally right. we live in a nation with a bunch of people that worship someone presiding over their country that has no reason to even be in the position of power hes in, but people love him. Lets take a look, Obama accepted the noble peace prize in Oslo on December 10, 2009. In a 36-minute speech, he discussed the tensions between war and peace and the idea of a "just war" (according to wiki pedia), before taking office as president on jan. 20th 2009. And for what? I was under the impression that you had to achieve something to recieve tne nobel piece prize but it was just givin away to this guy for nothing. But the most upsetting thing i found about that was we applauded as if he earned it with no questions asked.
It just seems that whatever this guy does america thinks hes a god, and we praise him, mabey we let the media influence us to much, well if obama was a trend he's definitely out of style as of his last term. according to the washington monthly his number 1 accomplishment so far as president is he Passed Health Care Reform. (i posted links at the bottem), but obama care is becoming a nightmare on all fronts-
It just seems that whatever this guy does america thinks hes a god, and we praise him, mabey we let the media influence us to much, well if obama was a trend he's definitely out of style as of his last term. according to the washington monthly his number 1 accomplishment so far as president is he Passed Health Care Reform. (i posted links at the bottem), but obama care is becoming a nightmare on all fronts-
theres just one example.
now why do we continue to support obama like mindless pawns we need to wake up and see the real tragedy taking place in amarica and think for ourselves research, come to our own conclusion on issues then make a rational desiesion and base our actions on them. there is also 50 so called acomplishments listed i just examined the first if anyone wants to debate these or what not comment, i will list links to my sources.
remember knowledge is power its time for america to impower its self to maintain its independance.
links to sources- http://giveneyestosee.com/blog/2012/09/i-am-obamacare-the-facts/-
oh and i thought id also post the video inspired me to write this blog
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Does Nibiru or "planet X" exist
So thought I'd try to give this another attempt, because I do enjoy writing on my blogs. I had a little life changing event that inspired me to bring back this old blog spot.
So yesterdayday some crazy shit happened to me, in my opinion anyways, i've never really been a firm believed in nibiru until yesterday.
My wife tells me that the news says (i live in oklahoma city) that theres going to be a winter storm with a chance of torranados, now in oklahoma torrnados arent to rare and a snow storm isn't either, but both together. And its like in the mid 40s outside that's just not normal weather even for Oklahoma.
So I go outside for something and look up and half the sky is clear and half is a real dark thunder storm cloud, and hangin right on the dividing line of cloud and sky is the sun, but that's not it right by the sun was another bright planet like object, it was bigger than the sun and not as bright. I've seen YouTube vids that showed exactly what I saw but I wasn't a firm believer in the whole rouge planet theory until yesterday, there's a fucking planet appears to be bigger than the sun now I know that's not the case, but that also means that its really fucking close.
So I grabbed my camera and by the time I was ready it was covered by the dark clouds and although I tried to catch it again I never could. Then the temp dropped about 15 degrees in what seemed like 60 seconds and now its 6:00 am and this fucking storm was given more publicity than it deserved, because its boring as hell.
Thanks for baring with me through my short story-linuxgeek0528
So yesterdayday some crazy shit happened to me, in my opinion anyways, i've never really been a firm believed in nibiru until yesterday.
My wife tells me that the news says (i live in oklahoma city) that theres going to be a winter storm with a chance of torranados, now in oklahoma torrnados arent to rare and a snow storm isn't either, but both together. And its like in the mid 40s outside that's just not normal weather even for Oklahoma.
So I go outside for something and look up and half the sky is clear and half is a real dark thunder storm cloud, and hangin right on the dividing line of cloud and sky is the sun, but that's not it right by the sun was another bright planet like object, it was bigger than the sun and not as bright. I've seen YouTube vids that showed exactly what I saw but I wasn't a firm believer in the whole rouge planet theory until yesterday, there's a fucking planet appears to be bigger than the sun now I know that's not the case, but that also means that its really fucking close.
So I grabbed my camera and by the time I was ready it was covered by the dark clouds and although I tried to catch it again I never could. Then the temp dropped about 15 degrees in what seemed like 60 seconds and now its 6:00 am and this fucking storm was given more publicity than it deserved, because its boring as hell.
Thanks for baring with me through my short story-linuxgeek0528
Thursday, January 10, 2013
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